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Wellness with Kimberlie

Empowering women to believe in their amazing bodies and build a healthy vibrant lifestyle!

Get my free guide, “_________,” and start confidently showing up as your best self.


For me, health is personal and individual!

Struggling with my weight has been a lifelong battle of ups and downs. My weight has been my pain, my shame, my prayer and personal heartache... until recently. I tried every weight loss program known. The programs worked until they didn't. In the summer of 2023 I'd gotten to a place physically where everything hurt.  My body was inflamed, my joints ached, my sleep was impacted and I got nervous that I was headed towards chronic disease.  I decided to do something different, and became determined to take my health into my own hands.  What started as a quest to lose weight (happy to say my weight has dropped!!) has turned into a set of guiding principles that have helped myself and my clients step into consistent individualized healthy lifestyle habits so that we can confidently show up as our best selves everyday.  


Read my story

Personalized Plans Tailored to Your Unique Needs


We can all agree that one size doesn't fit all when it comes to women's health, weight loss, and wellness. That's why my personalized plans are designed to cater to your individual needs, preferences, and lifestyle. Whether you're looking to shed a few pounds or make a significant change, my tailored approach ensures you're on the right path to success.

Group Coaching



Join my 6 Week EmpowHER Wellness Program to learn how to incorporate key principles to support weight loss and build consistent healthy lifestyle.


Join the Group
1-on-1 coaching


Dive deep into your wellness with personalized guidance. As your lifestyle coach I take an encouraging and uplifting approach to empower you to find a way to make health habits fit YOU.


Schedule a 1:1 call
Courses and Resources


Learn actionable habits you can easily use to improve your daily life.




Download the guides

Thank you so much for your encouragement! I'm thrilled my clothes are looser and I'm losing weight.  I would have already slipped if not for having your advice and coaching!!

Jackie D. 

Shauna G.

I’ve seen a transformation in every aspect of my life. Thank you, Kimberlie!

I can’t begin to express the deep transformation that occurred in every aspect of my life

Rebecca Night

Kimberlie designs individual plans to meet my lifestyle and goals.  The weekly check in's really help me be consistent and also celebrate my weekly wins. 

Brandy H.

Get started with the 6-week EmpowHER Wellness Group

Create good energy, an attitude of gratitude and a lifestyle of consistency

We hear the saying “good vibes only” everywhere, but that’s easier said than done. Good vibes are not about pretending nothing is wrong. They’re about creating positive energy around yourself and what you’re doing. 

Join the 6 Week EmpowHER Program and I will walk you through some key principles of a healthy lifestyle! During the the six weeks, you will learn about: 

  • Yourself! We will uncover your why and the mindset needed to make a healthy lifestyle work for you.
  • Metabolic fitness and how to transition from burning sugar to burning fat efficiently.
  • Specific strategies on when and what to eat, helping you create a fasting lifestyle tailored to your needs. 

  • Developing healthy strategies to fit your individuality and needs of your family.
  • How to bridge the gap between your current habits and to achieving your best health ever.
  • Ways to incorporate physical activity and movement into your daily life. 
  • Maintain strategies for staying motivated and consistent with healthy habits.

When you come from a place of abundance and gratitude, your whole life will change. EmpowHER Wellness Group Coaching will help you appreciate life (even the aspects you used to dread), and you’ll see success and failure from a fresh perspective.

Sign me up!!
Who you’re meant to be

We are all unique individuals with dreams and desires.You will have ongoing support from me personally and community collaboration and support in our exclusive and private Facebook Group and Chat. You can expect motivation, and regular check-ins to help you stay on track with your health goals and/or weight loss journey. I'm committed to addressing any challenges and providing possible solutions to keep you engaged and encouraged.

Group coaching will lead you on a journey of wellness where you step into who you’re meant to be with consistency and confidence. 

I'm ready!!

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